Thesis, Dissertation, Essay Writing and Advise

Most of our customers are students who need help with their written assignments. The most representative group seems to comprise undergraduate students who seek assistance during writing their thesis as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree in human sciences such as literature or linguistics, or for the MBA degree in management, economics, or marketing. We also receive orders from college students who have difficulties with writing their essays, or from postgraduate students who ask us to help them with their research.There are five main reasons why our customers would contact us: (1) they are in a full-time employment and therefore have too little time to devote to their thesis writing; (2) they started their writing but got stuck somewhere during the process; (3) they wrote the text but were told by their supervisors that either the quality is unacceptable or the structure of the text or research design 

needs profound changes; (4) they were asked by their supervisor to write the dissertation on some specific topic that they are not interested in; (5) they feel that their appointed thesis advisor has not enough time or patience for them. (For more reasons see Inquiry Letters From Customers or Testimonials.) In all cases we assume a student-oriented approach. This means that we do not judge our customers, we simply do our best to help them. Your full satisfaction is what matters to us.